"Is this the right number?"
"It depends. Who are you trying to call?"
"...a helpline."
"Any helpline in particular?"
"The suicide helpline. Aren't you supposed to have some sort of greeting?"
"Supposed to."
"Well what?"
"Where is the greeting? Why are you just answering the phone like I have the wrong number?"
"I don't much like the greeting. Too cheery."
"How can a greeting be too cheery?"
"Hello! Welcome to the suicide prevention helpline! We want you to know that we care and that your life is important. My name is Jimmy, how may I help you?"
"Are you patronizing me?"
"Could be."
"I'm going to commit suicide."
"No you're not. If you were, you would have done it by now instead of calling me."
"You're not very kind."
"Eh. I'm paid to take up enough of your time for the police to arrive. I'm not paid to care."
"...isn't the whole point of your job to care? To stop people from killing themselves?"
"Nah. My wage is mediocre, so my effort matches it. Like I said, nobody who is going to bother me is going to actually off themselves."
"What if I just wanted an audience?"
"Then you would do it in public."
"Fine, fine."
"Whats your name?"
"Okay Michael, let's have it."
"Have what?"
"Your life story. If you're not gonna off yourself, you might as well tell me an interesting story."
"My life isn't interesting."
"Everyone is interesting, you just need the right audience."
"What makes you the right audience?"
"Have you hung up yet?"
"Are you going to?"
"That makes me the right audience. Thus, Michael, storytime."
"Okay, fine. My dad kicked me out of my home and told me never to return. My family disowned me and said they never wanted to see me again."
"Why did they kick you out?"
"My father is strict. The family obeys him without question. I did too, for awhile, but he got bad. Eventually I couldn't. So I was thrown out."
"And your friends?"
"I wasn't allowed any."
"No friends? Sounds rough."
"I don't know what friends are like. I wouldn't know."
"How do you feel?"
"Worthless, alone, lost, and stuck on a world considered the pit of no hope."
"Yeah, friends will help with that. You should try making some."
"How? I'm, a failure, a castaway left to this hellhole to rot and die with a mess of my father's other failures."
"Have you tried talking to someone?"
"I am."
"Try talking to someone else. I'm just a guy doing his job. Talk to a stranger. Someone random."
"I have no idea how."
"Do you drink coffee?"
"I don't know."
"You don't-alright, do you drink tea? Soda? Booze?"
"I don't know."
"Uh, how about food? Do you eat?"
"I think so."
"Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrright, annnnnnnnnnyway, go eat? Meet someone else who eats? Do what you like doing. You like doing things?"
"I think so."
"You could be a bit less vague. What do you like doing?"
"You sound as if you're just brimming with positive energy. What else?"
"I don't know. Maybe...dancing?"
"Alright, good. Join a dance club, take some lessons. Join a gym and spar with others. Do something other than moping around contemplating suicide. You'll find friends."
"But...whats the point? Why should I bother?"
"You have a world at your finger tips. If you're not going to take your life, you might as well live it."
"A whole world?"
"Yeah, a whole universe if you want to be daring and discover space. Point is, quit your pouting and find something better to do.'
"You're really not very nice."
"Yeah, well, I heard they might be giving me a raise. Once that goes through, maybe I'll work on it."
"You could try just...caring."
"You could try being less of a little bitch. We all have something we could fix."
"I miss my family."
"Your father and family sound like trash. Thank god you got away from them."
"Don't insult them."
"They kicked you out and left you alone. Not much of a family."
"I suppose. Maybe you're right."
"Thats the spirit!"
"Maybe it is."
"Damn straight it is. Anyway, police should be there anytime now. You good?"
"I think so. Thanks."
"No worries.You know what you're going to do?"
"Yeah. I have a whole world out there, just waiting to be conquered."
This was based off of an image prompt about a fallen angel, found right here. I wanted to attempt to write a story that was only dialogue based, even if it didn't highly fit the prompt. Ah well. Thank you for reading, and have a nice day!
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